Have you heard about the Wilderness Campus at Caroline Elementary School? It's a new outdoor classroom winding a handicapped accessible trails through the wood and along Six Mile Creek! The trail was highlighted in an great article by Terezka Korinek in Tompkins County Life Magazine, which you can read here. This Saturday, everyone is invited to come check it out! The morning starts at 9 with Caroline Principal Mary Grover leading a Community Conversation about the Wilderness Campus. Then from 10-noon the party begins!
Outdoor Celebration for
Caroline Elementary Wilderness Campus
Interactive activities, food, community!
Caroline Elementary Wilderness Campus
Interactive activities, food, community!
An overhead helicopter will be taking photos of us all as we form a human ribbon around the entire Wilderness Trail. The celebration will happen rain or shine! Everyone is encouraged to wear red!
Mark your calendars and meet at the trail by the Caroline playground. Caroline Elementary School is located at 2439 Slaterville Rd, about 6 miles out of Ithaca on Hwy 79.
Hope to see you there!